How To Secure Your Car From Theft
Cause for Alarm is a do-it-yourself car security site focused on Hondas / Acuras and DEI brand security products. More than a simple car alarm install how-to, the goal is to implement a comprehensive security setup impossible for any thief to bypass under real-world conditions. I refer to this strategy of concealing and fool-proofing the security system as a stealth install.
The components that make up a stealth install include the following: a quality alarm installed and fully concealed in an unusual location, a battery backup, glass break and tilt sensors, a second siren, and an independent kill switch. The alarm's primary start-kill is wired normally-open so that if the alarm is unplugged, the car will not start - while a supplemental start-kill is applied to the main relay.
The Future of Cause For Alarm
The previous version of Cause for Alarm went down because it depended on donations to pay for hosting. I am happy to provide free information, but I am not going to pay for the privilege. Forum site admins often refuse to allow me to solicit donations even when I am a contributing member of their site.
When the hosting at expired, I thought I would put the site to rest. Immediately I began to receive requests to bring it back. The tipping point came when members of raised such a ruckus that the creator of that site offered to donate hosting. I would like to thank everyone that clamored to revive Cause for Alarm thereby validating the many hours I've put into it.
Please Donate for Hosting
Please extend your gratitude to teal_dx of for donating hosting for this site. Consider donating $12 or more yearly to ensure that Cause for Alarm and the forums at Civic-EG remain open. You can do so by clicking on the donate button on his site (click Forum and then scroll to the bottom right. Notify me if you make a donation. Thank you.
Get the Most From This Site
Look at the other applications besides your own for examples of how to install things that may not have been covered on your particular model.
About the Author
The screen name "suspendedHatch" has nothing to do with my driving priviledge. It began as a screen name I made up referring to a trap door like you'd find on a tree house. It's a coincidence that it carried over well when I gained an interest in modifying cars; in particular hatchbacks with modified suspension.
I have an (expired) advanced MECP with over a decade of experience designing car security setups on Hondas, Acuras, and other imports. I have an (expired) Safety and Emissions Certification, a Bachelor's in Sociology, and an Associates in Graphic Design (though you wouldn't know it by looking at this site).
5th Gen Hatch Theme
The banner photos are actually two separate VXs that I've owned. In one I swapped in a 3 Stage VTEC engine running an AEM EMS and converted to coil-on-plug ignition. The second received a combination of ITR and GSR suspension and chassis components, and currently hosts a B18B1 with an ITR transmission.